วันพุธที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

E3 2011: Kinect Sports: Season Two – preview

There were a couple of standout games; football, table tennis and bowling were all immense fun. But track and field and boxing weren't very engaging and volleyball, while enjoyable, could prove problematic for Kinect owners with low-ceilings.

While this might work in the privacy of one's own home, I can tell you from personal experience it doesn't work when you're standing in front of the Microsoft booth at E3, as crowds of people walk past, pointing and laughing as you hurl an imaginary football through the air. Still, once the initial embarrassment subsides, it's easy enough to get into the swing of things. I played the quarterback and the demo-booth's attendant played a wide receiver. I called a play, my team assembled on the line of scrimmage and after I yelled "hike!" the ball was snapped.

Kinect Sports Season II will be released for Xbox Kinect in winter 2011

Nick Cowen

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