วันเสาร์ที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Someone at ThinkGeek really enjoyed Portal 2

Someone at ThinkGeek really enjoyed Portal 2 screenshot

ThinkGeek makes good use of its license agreement with the valve by the introduction of nine

Portal 2

themed products. We're a little obsessed with the game, so all is well.

I was not quite true that the more ridiculous to talk Cave Johnson portrait, but we have a new king, "military grade" shower curtains. There's even a video!

Take a look for yourself. The rest of the line includes a companion cube cookie jar, cookie cutters, bookends, a turret plush adorable, LED flashlights, and a kit of Science potatoes. A couple of items are listed as "coming soon", even if we can assume that everything will be ready in time for the holidays.

Aperture Laboratories shower curtain Finally, fans of the laboratories of Aperture can get their hands on the product that started it all: military quality shower curtains ThinkGeek offers players shower curtain open science to transform your very own bathroom in a test chamber in the collection of curtain is now available for $ 19.99 Portal companion cube Cookie Jar -

A replica of the Weighted Companion Cube makes an important puzzle and inanimate, but adorable, the solution in the device original portal. Available soon for $ 29.99.


Cookie Cutters


a cookie jar without cookies is like a vacuum test chamber in his soul. Then fill the pot with new cube mate Cookie delicious dishes inspired by the "warning signs" appear in the game Portal has a die-all-metal construction and come in a collectible tin Companion Cube. Available now for $ 19.99.


Bookends 4 "x 5" solid metal bookends to maintain the vertical orientation of its impressive collection of science books One end of the sample. Test Portal icon to get through a gate of the orange, while the other shows the output through an exit gate blue. Available for $ 29.99. portal

Find best price for : --ThinkGeek----GLaDOS----Wheatley----Portal----Aperture----Cube----Companion--

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