วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Review: Half-Minute Hero Super Mega Neo Climax

Review: Half-Minute Hero Super Mega Neo Climax screenshot

The original Half Minute Hero is probably my favorite game for the PlayStation Portable released. His innovative take on role-playing was refreshing, while his self-referential humor about the conventions of the genre charmed the hell out of me.

The news that the game would be a new home on Xbox Live Arcade was wonderful to hear, and I looked forward to a review of the high-pressure adventure. Unfortunately, despite the addition of new content and a hand-drawn art style, this version can be found almost all of the diversity in the PSP version. Yet

An online multiplayer mode has also been added to the mix, allowing up to four players to compete to be the hero who ultimately defeats the Dark Lord in ten different quests. Players race to collect unique pieces of equipment to give them an edge over the competition while keeping the clock ticking by making donations to the Time Goddess. Or, if you want a more relaxed game, you can turn off the countdown timer entirely.

 is a poor game. Far from it. It's still an inventive and fun experience that Xbox 360 users are sure to enjoy. But if you happen to also own a PSP, you would be far better served seeking out the original

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