วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Live show: Mash Tactics plays community picks

Live show: Mash Tactics plays community picks screenshot

[ Mash Tactics Airs Monday through Friday from 4-8pm Pacific. Join Jon Carnage and Pico mice, because they have a crazy, interactive show host on Justin.Tv. Join us to win your chance to prices, talk with industry guests, and enjoy breathtaking stunts.]

Today on Mash Tactics , Let us show you her live gameplay footage m want to see no matter what game. Are you on the edge, whether to pick up a game? Stop by Justin.Tv at 4-8pm Pacific to get a taste of new titles. Follow Mash Tactics to vote on Facebook, for the games you want to see a concert.

CLICK HERE for sexy time.

Watch live video from Destructoid on Justin.tv
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Thursday 7 July, 2011

We sailed into this episode with Lego Pirates of the Caribbean play but were quickly convinced Shadows of the Damned . The spectators watched in disgust as Jon switched goats and updates its Boner in this anticipated title. The last hour of the show, we used the PlayStation 3 beta.

We really enjoy this title but due to popular demand, the game was switched to

beta but things quickly changed. About an hour in we noticed that Carnage had unusually dirty hair. In true

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