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Forced morality in games will not all work

06/04/2010 Forced morality in games will not all work

Forced morality in games will never, ever work screenshot

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As the first pull the trigger has been committed, a woman makes an unexpected turn, to put it directly on the ways of man 's bullets. 1, the first tears through the leg and the rest to find their mark somewhere around a woman 's belly. It falls to the ground, like a lynx scatter in fear. A woman is dead ...

\\ "Morality is a system in games of this sh * t."

The event was higher (personal experience Red Dead Redemption

But the fact that my Red Dead Misreckoning demonstrate this is the basic lack of any video game system of morality: it can only analyze what I did, but not what I wanted to do . It 's incredibly important difference: morality, morality is an internal feature, something that exists only in the mind. In the case of video games, this morality exists in the world, some hovering presence of standing ready to judge you at the moment, 's notice.

It's just doesn 't seem right. The real world can not compute morality, so why should game seek to do this?

Indeed, T morality ISN 'of good or evil. I mean, in our daily lives, how often do we think about good and evil in their actions? It 's rarely so simple. We Aren 't usually given type of decisions that make or B, black or white.

The focus should be on the choice, rather than morality, and the choice of t does not always have to be forced. This may be the surrounding choice: one, unplanned moment in a game where the player must make a choice.

For example, hunting is a fairly large role in Red Dead Redemption And sa 'a wide variety of animals that you can gun and skin. It's simple, right? It was for me until I came across a fox.

Don 't ask me why, but I' ve always had a soft spot for foxes. They re "just so damn cute (though, admittedly, they re" no red panda ). So with a gun trained on the fox, I was not able to pull the trigger. I left knowing that, despite a good fox fur, probably net me 10 bucks or so. In the end I killed a fox, to complete the environmental challenge of hunting, and I felt like an asshole for some time. I'm over it.

Yes, this is stupid and simple example, but even this time felt much more attractive to me than the honor system in the game. There SA "a very basic explanation. It was my The system does not honor his feet in the game 's. I knew that if I shot a fox, the game will just continue like nothing happened. No sheriff will come and try to shoot me, and not wandering guy spit on me the solution, as he passed. The world will not change, but I would like. d only be I "another asshole who shoots foxes for profit.

So why not just let the morality and choice left in the game when it naturally should? I 'm not saying that developers should not include in the selection of games; Heavy rain , For which he proves that the software player's choice may be persuasive, even if t games does not sit there and hand you a treat for good behavior. It inserts an important choice, where they belong and allows you to live with the consequences.

t SYSTEM Not so perfect. Many of these effects Aren 't very far-reaching enough to give them a real sense of gravity (many things you do in fact end Don t' up mattering much, if at all), but 'better than good choice each time to try to max your good agreement and to get the 50g achievement, is not it? Heavy rain can not be a game about morality for sure, but it sure as shit, this is one of choice, and does it without giving us any funny meter, that assigns numerical values of our choice.

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