วันอังคารที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Robotics;Notes' Second Half is Tons of Fun (If You Don't Stop and Think About It)

> Robotics; Notes is a story in the near future a school robotics club up and trying to build a giant robot and save his club to get fired. It is also a story with AI ghosts, superpowers, an apocalyptic prophecy, mysterious murders and an international conspiracy. In other words, there is a ton of fun. Of course, as many stories with a large amplitude, robotic; Notes

tends to crumble a bit at the edges if you think too.

[* Note: mild spoilers ahead. For a spoiler-free look in the series, see our review of the first half.]

Good - All Tied Together

the time I watched the first half

Robotics; Notes

, I fear that are so tonally different stories, c that is to say all, mystery, science fiction, slice of life at school, she would never be able to tie together in a story. Fortunately, I was worried about something because all the different plots converge in an excellent mega-plot of the last seven episodes.

Well - A World AR


Robotics; Notes

as seen in the next decade or more to come. In many ways, it is exactly the same as now, except that the characters have their own mobile phone / i-pad combo gameplay used as everything from the personal computer. Because this device is the use of AR (Augmented Reality) in everyday life.

But more than that in the second half of the

Robotics; Notes

, we have a villain who works exclusively with cameras augmented reality. Instead of seeing the real world, augmented reality view that other project. Thus, in the final battle giant robot and decisive, who can not see the rocks realistic giant robot along our hero, but rather the image of giant robot animated style Elongation projected. When your mecha giant cabbages our heroes are able to deal with images fictitious AR. This image of AR mechanism masquerades as our heroes attack and hide damage really is necessary. And for us, watching the battle, makes it look much cooler.

Good - The Love Story Genre Savvy

As with most animated based on visual novels, love stories possible is a central element. But instead of focusing on the possible romance

Robotics; Notes becomes a love triangle with only two options really feel practical: Frau, Queen of the character Otaku -and honestly enjoyable and Akiho series, the main interest of the obvious love. This removes the mockery "harem anime" look and is a love story well.

And when it comes to the "confession of love" scene is so assured with tongue in cheek, which makes it a very clich? in one of the most memorable moments of the series. The characters are well aware of the kind, with one noting that the confession of love before the final battle perfectly sets a tragic death and the other lampshading that nobody really ever thought you would not see choose it, it's so funny, because it is in contact.

Bad - Deus Ex Machine

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