วันศุกร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Ask Slashdot: Understanding the SNES?

anonymous reader writes, "after the 90, I grew to love the classics that children today know about Wikipedia and pop culture references of games like Super Bomberman, Zelda:. to Link to the Past, Donkey Kong Country I and III (II was a sellout, we) are the foundation of my childhood memories. Now, however, that the increase of the elderly in electrical engineering, I am more impressed with the level of technical difficulty built into the console of 16 bits. I now try to find a resource that will lead me through the technical design of the SNES (design memory, processor information, drawings cartridge pin or documentation) to obtain a better understanding of what naively loved 15 years ago. I start the vast resources available on the minds of the Slashdot community. Any series of guides / blog you know that you walk through some of the technical aspects, preferably, SNES (alternatively, NES / Nintendo 64) of the console would be much appreciated. "

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