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Review: Dark Souls

Review: Dark Souls screenshot

First, let me begin with a caveat: I have not finished

Dark Souls
. I spent over 90 hours of play, exploration of the vast majority of their world and across the (if not against-productive), many boss enemy. I'm sure I can make a fair verdict based on the knowledge I have. If not, I respect and I ask you please take advantage of the many fine views available of the players most capable of fulfilling this mission, I was.

You are dead, one of the few elected officials from the task of saving a world that has seen very close to his disappearance. The primitive, life-giving power of the dark fire continues to threaten the life of consuming more of the total, almost went out and prophesied that it is hoped last pilgrimage to the legendary land of Lordran to rekindle the flame. Between you and the fate of the world is for hundreds of raw stupid to kill you, you will succeed again and again.

Dark Souls (PlayStation 3 [review], Xbox 360)
Developer: From Software
Publisher: Namco Bandai
Released: October 4, 2011

MSRP: $ 59.99

Dark Souls

is cruel and relentless in the challenge it presents. At first, you are weak and nothing can stop quickly. When you have developed your skills and mastery of the controls, you'll be able to quickly reduce the most common enemies, so that the greatest threat to his own carelessness and overconfidence. And no matter how big or bad as you think you are, there's always something (or someone) else bigger and meaner.

The complexity of the mechanisms involved are enormous. Behind all the souls, the currency of Lordran. Souls are collected from fallen enemies or by the use of consumer goods in the world and spend the whole. Improve your character eight basic features, modernization and repair of equipment, goods and information of the NPC, all these things require the expense of souls. Statistics for leveling, it increases rapidly with expenditures at each level, a few hundred to over ten thousand at the forefront of fifty years. Updated weapons with the cost of souls and the components required to find a blacksmith and the NPC for the five levels improved. And you must be able to perform all the junk you wear and still walk. There are a lot of growth going to do and he needs souls to everything.

Therefore, the souls are precious and why

Dark Souls

is a challenge so intense that it was always you drives to improve performance. When bound to die, every soul that had left a step back, where he met his end. May call as long as I return to this point and catch them before they kill again, the blood stain that appear only at the time of his death later.


Dark Souls

always means forward . This means that you always learn from every experience you have learned and apply this knowledge to at least such a success it has in previous efforts, if not more. This makes the achievement very satisfying when they win and their failure even more personal, because they represent a real waste of time and energy.
Lordran is a world wonder, a honeycomb of dark paths and chambers of torque. Since his arrival (after a brief tutorial stage), you are free to start exploring three clear tracks available and just continues to expand from there. There is a fantastic range of variety in the regions, but all evoke a sense of isolation and fear in its atmosphere. Everyone is broken and ruined.


design and placement enemies are by far the most impressive aspects of Dark Souls

. Each corner has a new surprise, a new opportunity to meet a premature end to an enemy ambush or trap. It is always difficult, even distressing to push into uncharted territory and the game is not afraid to put a quick end to the moment when your guard down. On the rare occasions it may be smarter than the design and anticipate their next move, the joy remains.

God thank you Dark Souls

done a very good job of it never goes well in an area a time. Lights act fully in the world as control points, providing a safe haven to spend the souls of the attributes and higher (with the purchase of staples) improvement teams and act as a recovery point to return to the time of death. These fires, with many opportunities to open shortcuts to make sure that you are never too far forward.

What is a good thing, because you will have a difficult time to get to the bosses, let alone take with them to fight against one. Second and tenth Boss tend to stop quickly the first time, often only to education in terms of how long you have to avoid and which direction it would be best to go immediately after entrance of the room when you return . After the first failure, subsequent efforts will enable you to find the characteristics of the environment to assist in your defense and combat capabilities while seeing the full range of attacks.

Sometimes the environment in a fight against a boss is really valuable. There are some easy ways to eliminate some bosses to get a high vantage point and jump over them, but I realized that most of the battles tend to fall next to an enemy, right next to them, and cut until they depart. There are probably more elegant ways to send something I've never met, but most patrons are mostly in the ass the minute you walk in the door and close as quickly as possible as soon as you can create a certain distance, which seems to limit the potential for some approaches.
secrets are hidden in large quantities along Lordran and the soft glow of an element in a seemingly inaccessible area is a tempting lure for the browser. Sometimes, however, management should take to arrive at a new location can be quite difficult to detect. A fair bit of my gaming session was lost on foot, pushing the edges and borders to find the door to a new area, apparently exhausted all my options, only to find a route overlooked a few hours later, when a message left another player has led the way.

This desire to help you discover how the thing permeates the whole experience. The players exchange all sorts of information about imminent threats, hidden treasures and places the value NPC leave notes to others to find. These bits of plain text garbage in the world. Some warnings are useful, while others use the system for pain anonymously, but the value is undeniable.

Photo Photo Photo From Software is deliberately vague. The manual includes six pages cover only the most essential elements, while in-game help clarify how many statistics of the characters influence each other. That's about all the help we receive directly from the game, the player must attempt to discover how many things work on their own. The best we have to offer beyond, which are often cryptic ravings of the population of the degeneration of the NPC in the world. Everything depends on the players to learn and share knowledge on the game and its mechanics, which means that this game will have very long legs, like all his secrets are uncovered. Photo Photo Photo Take mechanic

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