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Bodycount dev: There's room for FPSs beyond Call of Duty

Nuance you know? Is that the voice recognition software Dragon Mac, iThings, Blackberry, Android and cars. Earlier this year, the company released its Dragon Mobile SDK to provide the tools to get people talking

their phones instead of with

them. Now, Nuance has added support for Windows Phone 7 (Mango ... there is no support yet) and improved its developer program to provide developers with more support making it easier to call voice applications. We also added eight new languages ??to its repertoire - Canadian French, American Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Swedish, Korean, Cantonese and - with more to come

source Nuance We have to talk about his new program, now called NDEV phone and said that it is divided into three levels: Silver, Gold and Emerald. NDEV Silver is the base level that provides free access to the developers of text to speech and Nuance speech recognition technology. Gold service provides access to data encryption and SSL web services interface through each user or pricing models of transactions. At the upper end, the level of Emerald lies on the red carpet with integrated practice grammar and vocabulary - the creation of applications that recognize the industry jargon - and dedicated account management. The Company believes that Emerald level more attractive to business customers, but is available to anyone willing to pony up for the dev Nuance extra TLC. Therefore, the implementation of bold policies now that you have the tools to make our phones we understand better than ever, how do you use? Read Nuance
Find best price for : --Engadget----NDEV----Mobile----Nuance-- For many years, we wrote about how, despite his speech to "help" artists, ASCAP and BMI are often greater than the damage coming musicians. This is because many musicians get their start playing in local cafes and restaurants and others who often do not pay ASCAP or BMI. It must
be fine as long as the artists do not play original songs, but ASCAP and BMI are the places they have to pay anyway, someone just in the event that covered a single riff. TorrentFreak has another of these stories, he left a restaurant for a local group performs every Friday night, after BMI demanded $ 3,000:

"I said to hell with him! Only have music on Friday nights. It is not worth $ 3000. What is a restaurant district operating in a very narrow margin in this economy are expected to pay an extra $ 3000? so I canceled the band. the net result? Our clients have suffered local music. a completely lose-lose situation. "

the bottom of the body mass index and other collective rights organizations? Your customers are not their enemies. Promote live music is good for BMI and artists to collect royalties. Working with local businesses instead of trying to intimidate and frighten all parties stand to gain.
course, BMI and ASCAP do not care. In the end, are not there to protect children back and forth, but the big acts that receive large checks
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warn of "anxiety and delay," as they are stripped of the primary responsibility to counsel women seeking a termination

The government gave in to calls from anti-abortion to review existing protocols and medical charities and tape the sole responsibility to counsel women seeking to terminate a pregnancy.

The Ministry of Health has confirmed that this would change the rules to ensure that women are also provided advisory services "independent" of existing abortion services. His announcement was made before an attempt next week led by Conservative MP Nadine Dorries to amend the law on health care and social force of such a requirement. Dorries said Charity Run abortion services - including the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) and Marie Stopes - have a financial conflict of interest in advising women seeking terminations. She says, providing independent advice, 60,000 of the 200,000 abortions per year could be avoided.

charities that another layer of boards could cause problems by delaying access to abortion. They also say that the advice they offer is ongoing throughout the research process of termination and there is no evidence that they have a bias in the care they provide.

Yvette Cooper, Minister of Interior of the shadow government's decision is based on prejudice rather than evidence.

The DH has confirmed that he wanted to change the rules to provide independent advice for women, in addition to that currently offers abortion services and said it was consulting on the precise method use, acknowledging the sources it was a direct response to pressure from backbenchers.

An adviser to the Ministry of Health, Andrew Lansley, said: "We remain of the opinion that we can do that without law, but we do not give up a parliamentary debate, we want women have the extension. provide independent advice, independently of the provider of abortion.

"We believe this would be an improvement in the current system. Similarly, the time was determined by the pressure of all parties to private members from all over the house to ask the government to study this issue. "

Dorries launched his campaign for change in the field next to the Labour MP Frank. They are supported by the campaign group Right to Know, which launched a website and Facebook page to promote the idea.

Dorries, a former nurse who said he campaigned on the issue after seeing the end failed, said he does not oppose abortion. However, she campaigned to reduce the time of abortion and said his explicit goal was to reduce the number of layoffs, saying that 60,000 could be prevented each year if women received independent advice.

"The important thing is that the government have been identified and agreed that the board of organizations that are paid to perform the procedures are not independent. It is the most important. C ' is very reassuring. It commits the change and what we do, "he told the Guardian.

, declined to reveal how it is financed, saying only that relies mainly on people. A spokeswoman said: "This is a campaign that has attracted the support of people from different backgrounds and beliefs (including atheists) who simply share the common view that the support and information received by women before abortion should be improved. "

pro-choice supporters and charities such as the Family Planning Association, which is mounting a campaign of lobbying MPs warn that the proposed amendment to the bill that limit the health women's access to objective information and management. They also predict that the advisory role could be played by organizations ideologically opposed to abortion.

Ann Furedi, chief executive of BPAS, said: "What I find most frustrating in this discussion is the assumption behind it that we want to encourage women in the option of abortion, rather than the possibility of continuing the pregnancy.

Find best price for : --Andrew----Dorries----Tory--

rumors today was to see the bad movie

Wigan Athletic Training was arrested Thursday after thieves slipped through a side door open and took 48 balls for soccer was in the middle of a training camp. The players were forced to go on an errand, while Roberto Martinez sent a pile of parts stores. The Brazilian club


take steps to ensure that their assets are stolen at all, insisting that Tottenham Hotspur

must meet all of the £ 44m clause in its press release of 22, the striker Leandro Damião. "Damião proved to be the value of the amount specified in the purchase," said the vice president of the club, "and how he plays, I'm sure it will be a club willing to pay." A club may soon have the means to pay, if not the need to sign strikers are more

Manchester United . The Mirror exclusively revealed that the royal family of Qatar is preparing an offer of £ 1.5 billion for the personal fiefdom of Sir Alex Ferguson renewed, and send emissaries to Manchester next week to secure the transaction.


not only the goal of South America for Tottenham, with 17 years wonderkid Peruvian Horacio Benincasa surprised the explorers in a recent secret trial . The ACE, who currently plays for Esther Grande de Bentin has also held talks with Werder Bremen but might move to London in January for a nominal fee. Also in January - you might as well get in the paper today -

Newcastle United hit an offer of five million pounds of Southampton carpet striker Rickie Lambert by and

Bayern Munich back Florent Malouda in Chelsea outcast.




Derby County
> also monitors the player, it will cost "a quota of six figures."

Leeds United

head to the
Stevenage defender Lawrie Wilson. One in five men admitted that they never use deodorant.

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President urges Congress to pass behind the bill as congressional leaders Democrat and Republican

Barack Obama has signed an agreement with congressional leaders Republicans and Democrats to end the stagnation of U.S. debt threatened to pull the U.S. economy and the world into chaos.

However, in a speech from the White House warned. "We're not done yet"

While the Senate is almost certain to pass the motion, could face opposition in the House of Representatives of the left hard-line Republicans and Democrats disenchanted who think Obama is too of concessions.

Obama urged members of Congress to get behind the proposed legislation, bringing the roof of the country's debt and reduce federal spending.

With time running out, Congress could have left it too late to meet the deadline Tuesday by the Treasury to increase the debt ceiling beyond its current limit of $ 14.3tn ( £ 8.7tn).

The Treasury warned that if the cap is not lifted on August 2, America would not have the money to pay all your bills, and the possibility of default on its debt for the first time in its history.

After weeks of frustrating negotiations in Washington, Obama said. "This process was complicated and took too long"

The White House has suggested that the deadline could be extended a few days to allow Congress to pass legislation through.

The Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid, said he was "cautiously optimistic" an agreement was made, a view shared by Republican counterpart, Mitch McConnell.

The Senate could vote on the bill Monday. The bill would then go to the House

McConnell has scheduled a meeting with Republican senators to discuss the details of the transaction. Speaking minutes before the President. "I think I can say with a high degree of confidence that there is now being considered to provide significant reductions in spending by Washington, and we can assure the American people tonight that the United States of America is not the first time ever default on their obligations. "

The agreement will increase the ceiling of the country's debt by about $ 2.4tn. This provoked an immediate reaction from the left of the Democratic Party, as it also includes about $ 2.5tn of spending cuts, many of which are almost certain to come from social benefits.

Mohamed El-Erian, head of the largest global investors in bonds Pimco says U.S. broadcaster ABC. "Things that must occur are not fast enough If S & P sticks to what he said, is reduced."

Julian Jessop, chief international economist at Capital Economics, said: "It seems that you will reach an agreement to increase the debt ceiling, but it seems that none of the numbers will reassure the rating agency debt. I'm pretty sure the U.S. will lose its triple A rating. "
Such a measure is likely to soon be a big jump in the cost of borrowing for the United States.

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For each piece of human misery offering in Dubai, the emirate has a wonderful piece of entertainment to distract

one thing that confuses me on the news this week, which were essentially a morality tale about the loneliness of the professional politician. Liam Fox Why choose Dubai for their mysterious scales between London and Afghanistan? Why could it be somewhere else, perhaps the Wembley Plaza Hotel in Middlesex? Four times in 18 months, former Defense Secretary put his head there, when Bahrain, Oman or perhaps, were the usual options. But he was in Dubai, one of the seven emirates of the UAE. Of all the slave states in cities around the world, enters the mine.

Fox is not alone. In 2010, over 700,000 British tourists stayed in hotels in Dubai, according to the site of tourism in Dubai. The British are the best customers in Dubai, which sets the number of people in collusion with, or ignore the evil, if their hotel rooms are cheap, sumptuous and cable TV. Virgin Holidays said on its website: "Dubai is like no other place on Earth is a really fabulous destination where visitors can enjoy the best quality hotels, shops, restaurants, state of the art and spas to. Of course, the fantastic beaches. There are, however, in Dubai as it sounds ... "

Yes, of course, is unique, and it is easier than it seems. This copy could be rewritten to say: "This is a really fabulous destination where visitors can enjoy the state censorship of high quality, a lot of homophobia, misogyny, rather the state of the art of police brutality and, of course, bondage fantasy, "and would not be defamatory - not in Britain anyway. Dubai imposes no taxes on income, so that tourists are joined by an international convention of parasites laugh - all refugees from the tax. I hate them, until I realized that all British people want to live in Dubai, you can probably afford to lose.

went to Dubai two years ago because a friend is going to work and I am not a woman to let a friend go shopping in a tyranny alone. I knew there would be problems reading the guide on the plane. Dubai religious tolerance for all religions, he says - with the exception of Judaism. So I knew I would not have explicitly the Jews in the United Arab Emirates, as they complain about the racist caricatures of Jews with hooked noses sitting in the world as if it were a large space hopper made nice. UAE newspapers all Jews seem Harvey Weinstein, crossed with Shrek. But Dubai, which owns the Burj Dubai, the tallest building - or advanced - on earth is worse than anti-Semitism shows that some informal

Dubai, like the rest of the UAE, is a repressive state, hiding behind religious piety and terrible word


. If Mickey Mouse is in residence here, which has one of the smartest children trapped in Space Mountain. Do not dare to be gay or adulterers, or a Democrat in Dubai. Homosexuality is obtained up to 10 years in prison - the party of gays! A group of transvestites got five years in Abu Dhabi to wear, two lesbians have one month in Dubai, kissing on the beach before being spat with deportation. I met a British woman in jail in Dubai. She was there for adultery, in the words of her husband - pale, thin, without access to their children, almost too atrophied to speak. Ultimately, the interview. Appearing in the British press could affect you, and anyway, I had no words.

one of them, Nasser bin Ghaith, an economist and professor at the Sorbonne in Abu Dhabi, has obtained a statement from the al-Wathba prison this month. "I came," he writes, "the firm conviction that this court, compared to international standards of justice, is a sham and a facade designed to legitimize and make credible verdicts and sanctions that have been determined. It is simply an attempt to punish me and those who are with me in our political views. "Do not have a fair trial.

Who built this city in the desert? There are 250,000 foreign workers in Dubai, mostly from India and Bangladesh. They are servants, or slaves. The usual way of recruitment is to draw a picture of joy - great pay, great working conditions - and charge a fee recruitment enormous. Then when they arrive, construction companies often steal their passports, denied their wages, and that they must work hard to pay their way, while 10 live in a room and work in the terrible heat. In Dubai, they can not work and can not strike deal with violence or deportation. Last year, 113 Indians committed suicide in Dubai, one every three days.

And do not stop. The recession is a signal such as the UAE is spreading like an octopus. An enormous project is underway to create a new tourist paradise. The Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi will be ready in 2020. The Louvre, who should know better, but he did not have a schedule, so that the Guggenheim, and so goes to New York - New York! -. The university

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hands on the screens "PDA" Apple really has voice recognition - and the camera is quick iPhone 4S

Siri is now available on iPhone 4S

Until Tuesday night was the beginning for Siri.com company that Apple had, and you can download a free application that work on older iPhones (3G yet: a review here) and offers the most features of Siri. It has now been removed - and their servers are closed for older versions of the application - and the pages of Siri redirected to the page from Apple.

If you think about it, this means that Apple is taking the software that runs on older hardware to limit new hardware. For a company that makes its money selling hardware, it would not be surprising. For those with the free application, which is probably boring. From what we now know that there is nothing specific about 4S-Siri (although possibly recognition chip voice depends on the A5).

Siri really works and is very intelligent

I have little time for the practical test in computer in a hut in a room full of journalists fairly. "What is the weather outside?" I asked. He turned in time to London (where he was). "What is the email address of my father?" He returned with two e-mail address of the person named in the address book as "father." This is called a complete test, but shows that it is aware of the location, context, and works without training. (However, I tried "application Siri" voice search on Google Gingerbread run my Nexus S:. This led me to the website of Syria)

Siri is integrated into the entire phone

pressing the start button and the interface is presented. Then ask anything. It is very clean. Siri uses the servers, if you have a working connection.

Siri will search Google, but Apple now gets to see research

be asked to "search the web ", but keep in mind that Apple is now an intermediate product, you can discover what research is done. This is useful for Apple. Add location information (which does not need to go to Google ...) and it is surprising to fingers Google Mobile search, at least if made by Siri.

4S iPhone really looks like and feels exactly like the iPhone 4

There is no difference at all, out. Apparently, the iPhone 4S is slightly heavier - 139g (4.9 oz) v 136 g (4.8 oz) -. But should one hand very sensitive to detect

Shooting in 4S is much faster, and the extra shot is too

I tried

camera taking pictures and the installation is really fast. We need more images very quickly - almost like shooting the motordrive in an SLR camera. Apple says it takes 1.1 seconds to reach a "click" part - faster than any other in a calendar list - and then only 0.5 seconds to take another. It's impressive to delay configuration of the camera is one of the concerns of modern life (especially intelligent life) that has crept upon us and no one made a lot

icloud will be good ...

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not do things by halves

when FIFA made a decision strange, but not entirely surprising given the World Cup 2022 in Qatar, journalists and cynical good a variety of other work in the twisted illusion selection process was not quite right immediately pointing to the variety of problems that might plague the operation of the tournament. The illegality of homo $ exuality in the small Arab state seemed to bother the hacks red blood cells not recognized by their size, and the stifling heat.

But FIFA president, Sepp Blatter, was quick to allay fears about the first pompously saying that he would not kill people to control their baser instincts of the length of a soccer tournament, in deference to the regime more traditional views in Qatar in the action of man to man, the fact that players of some of the best nations in the world of football and England are called to play football in the heat enough to crack your skin remains a thorny issue.

the listing such as air conditioning, indoor stadium was built at the expense of the absurd was in some ways to alleviate fears, and now Michael Beavon, director of Arup Associates, the company responsible development of zero carbon solar technology designed to cool, told the Conference of the infrastructure of Qatar in London (a briefing is even more exciting than it sounds) that in cases of extreme heat, FIFA parties consider splitting into thirds in 30 minutes instead of two halves of 45 minutes.

"Everything he says FIFA, although it is for general guidance is that if 32C is no longer a game and three in 30 minutes instead of two thirds of 45 minutes each "Beavon said. "The reason is to rehydrate the players before they can continue playing. It is, of course, wreak havoc on the schedules of television and that sort of thing." Yes, this sort of thing.

Although the newspapers have taken over this silly season classic story as further evidence that FIFA has lost the ball, closer inspection reveals that - in this case at least - nothing could be further from the truth. In any case, Beavon and variety of newspaper hacks that may have been too long in the sun. "This possibility was discussed," sneered a spokesman for FIFA. "In any case, this would require a change in the rules and therefore should be reviewed and approved by the International Football Association Board, first . "

Given the time it usually takes FIFA to play with the laws of the game, the chances of being the instigator of a major change before 2022 begins in Qatar are thinner than of host a conference modeling infrastructure had, even if it does not change 30 minutes "halves", we can at least be encouraged by the additional minutes of learning all have the opportunity to hear experts on the BBC and ITV.

QUOTE of the day

"He took the floor to pick up the new shirt away and caused a lot of feedback, but soon Wembley ... only 10 miles per gallon. "-. Mike Radcliffe, who with his business partner and fellow fan Shaun Donohoe, spent £ 50,000 on the creation of" the car from Manchester City last Sounds like a lot to spend on a vehicle not go ahead

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"Re:. The 2022 World Cup claims on a game of three halves How about a set of four Qatar?" - Adam Spriggs

"It's good to see that still refer to" Tin "as the violet (yesterday's Fiver), but it is fair to say that his shadow has changed over the years. (As an "old" rule was that?). Over a dark blue, I would say. It's short list of topics 3 Alabama for a song. This strong beer colored tin antics are tied with the clubs. playing football with his tone blue / red / dark gray / scarlet to get more easy money of gullible masses Stop Football campaign has run its course, we will relive Cans Purple "- Steven Rowland

"Re:. Defense Chris Harrison, the England team since 1966 (Fiver letters yesterday) No more questions, m'lud" -. Tom Ayres

"Chris Harrison believes that the England team should be spared the abuse team. Remember that gray?" - Ben Kippin

Send your letters to the.boss @ guardian.co.uk. And if you have nothing better to do that you can also Tweet Fiver.
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The opening day of the conference of the Conservatives, Cameron has a package of measures on housing, according to him could provide 200,000 homes and create 400,000 jobs

, David Cameron has outlined plans to boost the "right to buy 'council house scheme introduced under the government of Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s as part of plans to" turn on " the UK economy.

Prime Minister made the announcement to increase rebates to encourage council tenants to buy their own home as the Conservatives prepare for the first day of the annual conference of the party amid rumors conservative growth strategy the government.

"We must do everything we can to start the engine of the UK economy," Cameron said in an interview with Andrew Marr show. "There is a radical change is taking place right now , "he said.

also insisted that the government must make "things difficult" to reduce the deficit, before admitting that ministers must do a better job of explaining to people affected by the spending cuts are necessary .

He stressed that the government "is not just sitting" in terms of stimulating growth, as he presented a package of housing measures that together could provide 200,000 additional homes a words, to create 400,000 new jobs and give young people the opportunity to buy their own homes.

The right home to buy scheme introduced by the Conservatives in the 1980s has been criticized for reducing the stock of social housing available to low-income people. Work, cuts have been reduced which slows the adoption of the plan. But Cameron said that the money from the sale of council house would be invested in affordable housing for low income, thereby increasing employment in the construction industry.

The Prime Minister also outlined plans to hand thousands of hectares of land to developers to build houses. Construction companies will be allowed to take over the sites that have been developed, but have fallen into disuse, and only pay for the land when they built properties are sold.

housing construction fell to its lowest rate in peacetime since 1924 under the last Labour government, Cameron said.

"The housing market is not working. Why not work? Due to the debt crisis, banks are mired in debt, so banks are not lending, the manufacturers do not build and buyers can not buy because they can get the mortgage they need.

"So this government is just sitting, it is rolled up their sleeves and saying well we do on land to home builders government on the basis that they can now build and pay for the land when it is sold homes.

"This could build 100,000 homes, 200,000 jobs in our economy. We will not stop there, we say that we will return the right to buy their council house, with appropriate discounts Work that got rid of, and we'll use the money that people choose to buy your council house, we will use this money to build rental housing for low-income families who are trapped in housing lists . "

said he had more than 2 million council houses still for sale.

"It's something that could make a huge difference and even one that could make 100,000 homes, another 200,000 jobs. So taking these two policies that could provide about 200,000 additional households, 400,000 additional jobs. "

But there are concerns about the availability of affordable housing through movements for scrapping of strict planning rules lovely home builders to include features such private development plans.

Cameron defended the government's policy, saying he was not prepared to compromise on the level of national debt and deficits "under control".

overview of its growth strategy, he said. "A line is to address the deficit, absolutely essential for the low interest rate is line two to do everything to make it easier for companies to implement for businesses to grow and invest. So we try to employment regulations, which are to reduce corporate taxes. It is things like the types of businesses, we are reforming the planning system.

Since the election, there were also "more than half a million jobs in the private sector," he added "that the economy is rebalancing" to the detriment of the public sector , he added.

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marketing VP Pete Hines of Bethesda is to provide a context for his case against
title come -dev Mojang is Rolls , saying Mojang not fairly presented side by Bethesda in the fight (probably because it is in the side against Bethesda) . "Public comments Mojang not have a complete picture about their presentations, brands, and events that took place," said Hines.

Bethesda has the obligation to protect its brand -

Elder Scrolls

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epic Games picked completely random day on Friday to release the introductory video

Gears of War 3

, you can see above. The video provides an overview of Customs of War Gears smoothly, while the creation of skirmishes and clashes Wed Lambent seem to do now, during this weekend totally irrelevant. Watching Anya polish your gun on it, and please try to contain his excitement.


Oh, and

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Organizers of the Penny Arcade Expo 2011 was again selected ten indie games to be exhibited on the stand to the free yearly in August. Over 100 participants were submitted for entry into the PAX 10 this year, and the winners were chosen by a panel of experts from the gaming industry. The PAX 10 was part of the annual gaming convention since 2008, when the winners included Audiosurf and stomach. "Each aa ...

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Bodycount dev: There's room for FPSs beyond Call of Duty screenshot

An interesting fact emerged from a


interview with Codemasters director Andy Wilson. "We look at Bulletstorm and I think it's fair to say it was a" litmus test "for us," he told CVG. "Because the first came out, they were very interested in how they did it and it's a very good sign. " "This shows there is a space around these titles as big as



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