วันพุธที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

72% of Xbox 360 Gamers Approve of "More Military Drone Strikes"

anonymous reader writes "In the last presidential debate, Xbox 360 users were interviewed live from the debate progressed on a number of different questions and asked to answer" Yes "," No "or" Do not know not. "using your joystick from these questions, one question in particular has produced a surprising result: Xbox 360 users have asked:" Do you support greater use of drones to attack suspected terrorists? 20% answered this question "No". 8% answered "do not know." And a whopping 72% responded to the question "Yes." This raises an interesting question in itself: The average Xbox 360 gamer at all aware that the drone strikes in countries like Pakistan, causing many civilian deaths on a regular basis Or Xbox 360 Live gamers parallel play? inspired universe, where 'drone attack' real world something really cool, as it is ideal for use in popular games like Call of Duty? In other words, war simulation games such as cod in a console game on a daily basis, and enjoy these games because players become blinded sometimes disastrous consequences of using real world seriously military tactics such as drone attacks seriously? '

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