วันพุธที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Games on Demand: The Outfit, Moto GP 08, Guilty Gear (US) and Phantasy Star (JP)

08/17/2010 Games for: Equipment, Moto GP 2008, Guilty Gear (USA) and Phantasy Star (JP)

The OutfitContent: The Outfit
Price: Check pricing in your region
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions except Asia
Dash Text: (Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB) This game supports English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish. Download the manual for this game by locating the game on http://marketplace.xbox.com and selecting “See Game Manual". Combining intense squad-based combat with the freedom of total destruction, The Outfit takes players behind enemy lines, battling the Nazi War Machine through a variety of combat missions. Choose from three playable squad leaders - each with their own skills and abilities, as you lead a squad of battle-forged soldiers on missions ranging from reconnaissance and rescue to search and destroy. With interactive and fully destructible environments, you have the freedom to shoot, blow up or demolish anything in your path! Use “Destruction On Demand™” (D.O.D.) to order in everything from tanks, jeeps, halftracks and other combat vehicles to machine gun nests and anti-tank guns, squad reinforcements, even air strikes and artillery!

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MotoGP 08Content: MotoGP 08
Price: Check pricing in your region

Availability: All regions Xbox LIVE except India and Japan
Dash Text: (Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB) This game supports English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish. Download the manual for this game by locating the game on http://marketplace.xbox.com and selecting “See Game Manual". MotoGP™ 08 brings the premier motorcycling championship into your home! Speed down 18 official tracks all over the world including Indianapolis and Laguna Seca. Pit your riding skills against players from across the globe in a number of online modes. Customize your experience with different tires, bikes, and racers as you take risks and build your reputation. Delivering an unparalleled racing experience and featuring easy-to-learn controls, MotoGP 08 is the most accessible motorcycle racing game to date. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see www.xbox.com/live/accounts.

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Guilty Gear 2 Overture

Contents: GUILTY GEAR 2
Price: Check prices in your area
Availability: Unites States
Dash Text: (Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB) Download the manual for this game by locating the game on http://marketplace.xbox.com and selecting “See Game Manual". The 2D fighting phenomenon is now an intense action strategy game! Build and command your troops while simultaneously fighting alongside them to clear a path to victory in the next evolution of Guilty Gear! There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see www.xbox.com/live/accounts.

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Phantasy Star UniverseContent: ァンタシースターユニバース
Price: Check prices in your area
Dash Text: (ã"のゲームの取扱説明書ã‚'ダウンロードするには、http://marketplace.xbox.com でゲームã‚'探し、[取扱説明書] ã‚'選択してください。 オンラインプレーã‚'お楽しみ頂くには、無料でダウンロード可能な拡張コンテンツ「イルミナスの野望」とガーディアンズライセンス(月額料é‡')が必要です。ã"了承下さい。はるか遠い宇宙…グラール太陽系では、ï¼"æƒ'星の同盟締結100å'¨å¹´ã‚'祝う式典の最中、謎の巨大流星群…『SEED』が突如襲来した!世界が戦乱の闇に包まれていく中、æƒ'星é–"警護組ç¹"『ガーディアンズ』に入隊した「イーサン・ウェーバー」の物語が始まる…!美しい映像と壮大なストーリーのSFファンタジーRPG! イーサンが主人公の「ストーリーモード」と自分だã'のキャラクターã‚'作成して、沢山のプレイヤーとともにå"力してå†'険できる「ネットワークモード」。同じ世界で密接に絡ã‚"だï¼'つのモードで、無限のå†'険ã‚'楽しもう! ã"のアイテムの払い戻しはありませã‚"。詳しくは http://www.xbox.com/live/accounts ã‚'ã"覧ください。


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