วันจันทร์ที่ 6 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Moneysaver One-Shot: The Art Of Shaving Cheaply

shave your face, not your wallet.

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Some things in life are inevitable, and worse, time and money that could be used to play and buy more video games drain. One of these things is shaving. Shaving is a pain, and to rub salt into the burned skin razor blades you buy for it are ridiculously expensive.

Enter Dorco, a company that charges a fraction of what the big players do for their leaves, and makes a superior product.

Let our own comparison:

• Gillette Fusion ProGlide Power

cartridges [5 records] ($ 32) | Amazon

• Pace Dorco 6 Plus

cartridges [6 Blades] ($ 26) | Amazon Our friends at Lifehacker recommend

DORCO blades (and also reveal that Dorco provider is actually the Dollar Shave Club, but I'll leave the item Lifehacker bridge). Dorco razors made with 3, 4 or 6 knives, but more is not always better. Many prefer 3 razor blades. But do not worry, Dorco handles are universal, so you can try each charge sheet if you're so inclined.

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